The Continuous Education Unit at the College of Pharmacy, Al-Nahrain University, organized a scientific seminar on 'Pharmaceutical Industries: Present and Future.' The seminar took place at 9:30 AM on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, in the Al-Salam Hall at the South Campus of Al-Nahrain University in Jadriyah. The seminar was attended by Dr. Omar Farouk Abdul Rasheed, the Assistant President of Al-Nahrain University for Scientific Affairs, Associate Professor Dr. Haider Bahaa Sahib, the Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Associate Professor Dr. Rafel Shakib Abdul Wahab, the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, faculty members, staff, and the seminar's lecturers. The first lecture was delivered by Dr. Mustafa Mohammed Amin Al-Hiti, the President of the Iraqi Pharmacists Syndicate, on 'The Vision of the Iraqi Pharmacists Syndicate for National or Pharmaceutical Industries.' The second lecture was presented by Dr. Ahmed Ali Ibrahim on 'The Current State of Private Pharmaceutical Laboratories and Mechanisms for Their Development.' The third lecture was given by Pharmacist Iqbal Saleh on 'The State of Pharmaceutical Industries in the Government Sector and the Challenges They Face'. Finally, the seminar concluded with a recommendation that there should be a serious effort to elevate the pharmaceutical industries in Iraq, with collaboration between the public and private sectors and a focus on national industries to create employment opportunities for young people working in the pharmaceutical sector
The College of Pharmacy at Al-Nahrain University organized a scientific visit for its students to the State Company for Drug Industries and Medical Supplies in Samarra on the morning of Thursday, December 23, 2021. They were received by Mr. Khalid Muhyi Alwan, the General Manager of the company, who welcomed the delegation from the College of Pharmacy. The delegation included Associate Professor Dr. Haider Bahaa Sahib, the Dean of the College, Associate Professor Dr. Rafel Shakib Abdul Wahab, the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, and Associate Professor Dr. Mohammed Jasim, the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, along with some faculty members and students from the second, third, fourth, and fifth years of the college. The company officials provided detailed explanations to the students about each step in the pharmaceutical manufacturing process. The students were also briefed on the raw materials used in drug production, product preparation equipment, and quality control laboratories where the company's products are tested before reaching consumers. This visit greatly interested the students. At the end of the meeting, the Dean of the College of Pharmacy and the General Manager of the company agreed on further reciprocal visits and the activation of the memorandum of cooperation that was signed between the college and the company the previous year, serving our beloved country and our dear students, as well as supporting the promising pharmaceutical industry.