Branch of Laboratory Sciences


A leading clinical laboratory science program achieving excellence in education and research.


To graduate competent clinical laboratory professionals in clinical laboratory practice equipped with skills and knowledge to lead innovative collaborative research and to serve community needs in the best ethical values of our profession


1-Provide quality education
2- Continuously improving the learning standards.
3- Achieve national and international accreditation
4- Promote scientific research.
5- Serve the community by raising awareness about major health issues related to the role of laboratory in detection, prevention and monitoring of diseases.
6- To regularly improve the standards of learning, teaching skills and assessment methods to meet the needs of the job market.
7- To provide guidance to undergraduate students in their research projects.


Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy

المواد الدراسية التابعة لفرع العلوم المختبرية السريرية

الفصل الدراسي المرحلة الدراسية الوحدات الدراسية اسم الدرس
1 First Stage 3 Human Biology
1 First Stage 3

Mathematics and Biostatistics

1 First Stage 1

Computer Science

1 First Stage 1

English Language

2 first stage 2

Human Anatomy

2 First stage 3 Histology
2 First stage 3

Medical Physics

2 First Stage 1 Human Rights
2 First Stage 1

Computer Science

2 First Stage 1

English Language


Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy

الفصل الدراسي المرحلة الدراسية الوحدات الدراسية اسم الدرس
1 second Stage 4

Medical Microbiology I

1 second Stage 1 Democracy
1 second Stage 1

Computer Science

1 second Stage 1

English Language

2 second stage 4

Medical Microbiology II

2 second stage 1

Computer Science

2 second stage 1

English Language

2 second Stage 2

Arabic Language

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy

الفصل الدراسي المرحلة الدراسية الوحدات الدراسية اسم الدرس
1 third Stage 4 Biochemistry I
1 third Stage 4 Pathophysiology
2 third Stage 4 Biochemistry II
2 third Stage 2

English Language

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy

الفصل الدراسي المرحلة الدراسية الوحدات الدراسية اسم الدرس
1 fourth Stage 2 Public Health
1 fourth Stage 2

English Language

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy

الفصل الدراسي المرحلة الدراسية الوحدات الدراسية اسم الدرس
1 fifth Stage 4 Clinical Chemistry
1 fifth Stage 2 Clinical Laboratory Training

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course: Human Biology
Level: 1st Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Theory Mid-Term Exam (25%) , Theory Final Exam (50%)
Reference book: Johnks and Lnglis (eds.), Text Book of Human Biology, 3rd Ed.

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022


1-To study the composition of human body, types of cell structures, types of tissues, bone, skeleton, joints and muscle as well as nutrition. 1,2,3.
2-Human biology also explains in details different body systems. 4,5,6,14,15,16.
3-At the end of the course, the student should be able to describe the composition of human body, body systems function, Immunity, Blood and Disease. 7,8,9.
4-Human genetics such as the Mendelian inheritance, division of chromosomes, and terms such as allele, locus, homo and heterozygous.11,12,13.

no. subject hours LECTURER date
1 -Introduction and basic principles of human biology
-Cell: Structure, properties and classification
2 Professor. Dr. Taha Shawi Tuesday
2 Tissues: Structures; properties; classification and function 2 Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafal Shakeeb Tuesday
3 Nutrition 2 Professor. Dr. Taha Shawi Tuesday
4 Digestive System (Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach) 2 Lecturer. Dr. Shaymaa Essam Tuesday
5 Digest System (intestine) 2 Lecturer. Dr. Shaymaa Essam Tuesday
6 Circulatory System; Blood 2 Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafal Shakeeb Tuesday
7 Mid-Term Theory Exam
8 Inflammation 2 Lecturer. Dr. Shaymaa Essam Tuesday
9 Immunity and the blood 2 Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafal Shakeeb Tuesday
10 Immunity to disease 2 Lecturer. Dr. Shaymaa Essam Tuesday
11 Excretory System 2 Professor. Dr. Taha Shawi Tuesday
12 -Human Chromosomes
-Chromosomes Variations
2 Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafal Shakeeb Tuesday
13 Human genetics 2 Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafal Shakeeb Tuesday
14 Semi–Lethal genes 2 Lecturer. Dr. Shaymaa Essam Tuesday
15 Reproduction system, male and female 2 Professor. Dr. Taha Shawi Tuesday
16 Skin 2 Professor. Dr. Taha Shawi Tuesday
17 Respiration 2 Professor. Dr. Taha Shawi Tuesday

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course: Mathematics and Biostatistics
Level: 1st Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Theory Mid-Term Exam (30%) , Theory Final Exam (70%)
Reference book:
1. Finny RI, Thomas GB (Eds.); Calculus and Analytical Geometry.
2. Daniel WW (ED.), Foundation for Analysis in the Health Science, 4th ed.

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022


1-To provide students with the ability to deal with the concepts of Mathematics and Statistics, emphasize the knowledge and skills required to efficiently discharge the duties and responsibilities of the pharmacist.
2-The course deals with the concepts of basic Mathematics and the application of Biostatistics in medical field. 3-Upon the completion of the course, students will be able to understand the applications of statistics in medical field.


no. subject hours LECTURER date
1 Mathematics: General concepts; coordinate and graph in plane; inequality; absolute value or magnitude;
function and their graphs; displacement function; slope and equation for lines.
3 Professor Dr. Raad Hameed Majeed Saturday
2 Limits and continuity: Limits; theorem of limits; limit involving infinity; continuity; continuity conditions 3 Professor Dr. Raad Hameed Majeed Saturday
3 Derivatives: Line tangent and derivatives; differentiation rules; derivative of trigonometric function; practice exercises 3 Professor Dr. Raad Hameed Majeed Saturday
4 Integration: Indefinite integrals; rules for indefinite integrals; integration formulas for basic trigonometric function; definite integrals; properties of definite integrals; practice exercises 3 Professor Dr. Raad Hameed Majeed Saturday
5 Review 3 Professor Dr. Raad Hameed Majeed Saturday
6 Mid-term Electronic Exam 1 Professor Dr. Raad Hameed Majeed Saturday
7 Mid-term Theory Exam Saturday
8 Biostatistics: General concepts of statistics; statistical methods; statistical theory; applied statistics; statistical operations 3 Professor Dr. Raad Hameed Majeed Saturday
9 Probability concepts: Properties of probability; Set theory and set notation (basic notation); counting techniques- permutations and combinations; calculating the probability of an events; probability distribution of discrete variable; binomial distribution, Poisson distribution; continues probability 3 Professor Dr. Raad Hameed Majeed Saturday
  distribution and normal distribution, review questions and exercises  
10 The concept of central tendency: Mean of sample and mean of population; median; mode; measure of central tendency; review questions and exercises 3 Professor Dr. Raad Hameed Majeed Saturday
11 Deviation and variation: Deviation; dispersion and variability; standard deviation and variance; coefficient of variations; standard error; correlation analysis; (regression model and sample regression equation); application of statistic in medical field; review questions and exercises 3 Professor Dr. Raad Hameed Majeed Saturday
12 Review 3 Professor Dr. Raad Hameed Majeed Saturday
13 Final Electronic Exam 2 Professor Dr. Raad Hameed Majeed Saturday

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course: English Language
Level: 1st Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Theory Mid-Term Exam (30%) , Theory Final Exam (70%)
Reference book: students book, work book Headway

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022


no. subject hours LECTURER date
1 Family and friends students book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor Saturday
2 Family and friends work book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor Saturday
3 The way live students book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor Saturday
4 The way live work book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor Saturday
5 Every day students book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor Saturday
6 Every day work book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor Saturday
7 Review 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor Saturday
8 Mid-term Electronic Exam 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor Saturday
9 Mid-term Theory Exam Saturday
10 My favorites students book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor Saturday
11 My favorites work book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor Saturday
12 Where I live students book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor Saturday
13 Where I live work book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor Saturday
14 Review 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor Saturday
15 Final Electronic Exam 2 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor  

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course: Medical Microbiology I
Level: 2nd Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Theory Mid-Term Exam (25%) , Theory Final Exam (50%)
Reference book:
1.Medical Microbiology, seventeenth edition E. Jawetz, J. L. Melnick, E.A. Adel 1987 &
2. Principles of Microbiology by Roland M.

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022


1-To provide students with basic understanding of morphology, anatomy 1,2.    
2-physiology and genetics of bacteria. 3,4,5
3-The methods of handling, visualizing. 6,7.
4-Characterizing and identifying of bacterial diseases. 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16.

1 Importance of microbiology, History of microbiology. 3 Lecturer. Dr. Qais Majeed 13-10-2021
2 Anatomy of bacteria: Surface appendage, Capsule, Cell wall of G +ve&G –ve bacteria, Cytoplasmic membrane. 3 Lecturer. Dr. Qais Majeed 20-10-2021
3 -Bacterial physiology: Physical and chemical growth determinate – Sporulation and germination. 3 Lecturer. Dr. Qais Majeed 27-10-2021
4 -Sterilization (chemical + physical Methods). – Chemotherapy. 3 Lecturer. Dr. Qais Majeed 3-11-2021
5 Morphology of Bacteria, Staining and Classification. 3 Lecturer. Dr. Qais Majeed 10-11-2021
6 Genetics: Definition, genetic, element, mutation (spontaneous, gene transfer, transformation, conjugation, and gene transduction). 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein 17-11-2021
7 Recombinant DNA biotechnology. 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein 24-11-2021
8 Mid-term Theory Exam 1-12-2021
9 -Staphylococci species – Aerobic Spore-forming bacteria Bacillus species 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein 8-12-2021
10 – Clostridium perfringens
– Corynebacterium diphtheria
3 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein 15-12-2021
11 Propionibacterium acnes, Listeria
Mycobacterium tuberculosis; M. leprae
3 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein 22-12-2021
12 Chlamyadiae; Actinomycetes Identification & classification of G -ve bacteria 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein 29-12-2021
13 Identification & classification of G -ve bacteria 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein 5-1-2022
14 Enterobacteriaceae 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein 12-1-2022
15 Shigellaspp; Salmonella spp; Proteus spp , Pseudomonas spp 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein 19-1-2022
16 -Vibrio Cholerae; Brucellaspp; Haemophilusspp; Campylobacter spp – Helicobacter spp 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein 26-1-2022

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course: English Language
Leve2: 2nd Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Theory Mid-Term Exam (30%) , Theory Final Exam (70%)
Reference book: students book, work book Headway

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022

NO. Subject hours Lecturer Date
1 Getting to know you students book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 12-10-2021
2 Getting to know you workbook 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 19-10-2021
3 The way we live students book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 26-10-2021
4 The way we live work book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 2-11-2021
5 It all went wrong students book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 9-11-2021
6 It all went wrong workbook 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 16-11-2021
7 Review 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 23-11-2021
8 Mid-term Electronic Exam 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 27-11-2021
9 Mid-term Theory Exam 30-12-2021
10 Mid-term Theory Exam 7-12-2021
11 Let’s go shopping students book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 14-12-2021
12 Let’s go shopping workbook 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 21-12-2021
13 What do you want to do studentbook 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 28-12-2021
14 What do you want to do work book 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 4-1-2022
15 Review 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 11-1-2022
16 Final Electronic Exam 2 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 18-1-2022

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course: Democracy
Level: 2nd Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Theory Mid-Term Exam (30%) , Theory Final Exam (70%)
Reference book:

1- د.ماهر صثري كاظم, حقىق الانسان والديمقراطيح و حماتها, تغداد, مكتثح السنهىري,2002
2- رياض عزيز هادي, حقىق الانسان تطىرها ومضامينها وحمايتها, تغداد, مكتثح السنهىري,2002
3- د.حميد حنىن خالد, الانظمح السياسيح, القاهرج, العاتك لصناعح الكتاب,2011

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022

NO. Subject hours Lecturer Date
1 1 Lecturer M.Sc. Haifa Radi 12-10-2021  
2 1 Lecturer M.Sc. Haifa Radi 19-10-2021  
3 1 Lecturer M.Sc. Haifa Radi 26-10-2021  
4 1 Lecturer M.Sc. Haifa Radi 2-11-2021  
5 1 Lecturer M.Sc. Haifa Radi 9-11-2021  
6 1 Lecturer M.Sc. Haifa Radi 16-11-2021  
7 Review 1 Lecturer M.Sc. Haifa Radi 23-11-2021
8 Mid-term electronic Exam 1 Lecturer M.Sc. Haifa Radi 27-11-2021
9 Mid-term Theory Exam 30-12-2021
10 Mid-term Theory Exam 7-12-2021
11 يىلف الاتفاليت انذونيت نهحمىق انً ذََيت وانسياسيت 1 Lecturer M.Sc. Haifa Radi 14-12-2021
12 يىلف اتفاليت يُع جزيًًت ابادة اانجُاس وانًعالبت عهيها نعاو ٨٤٩١ 1 Lecturer M.Sc. Haifa Radi 21-12-2021
13 انفصم بيبيٍ انسهطاث 1 Lecturer M.Sc. Haifa Radi 28-12-2021
14 Review 1 Lecturer M.Sc. Haifa Radi 4-1-2022
15 Review 1 Lecturer M.Sc. Haifa Radi 11-1-2022
16 Final Electronic Exam 2 Lecturer M.Sc. Haifa Radi 18-1-2022

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course: Biochemistry I
Level: 3rd Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Theory Mid-Term Exam (25%) , Theory Final Exam (50%)
Reference book:Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry, Twenty-Sixth Edition

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022


1-To integrate key concepts describing the traditional core topics of Biochemistry.1,2,3,4.
2-Structure and metabolism. 5,6,7.
3-At the end of the semester, students should be able to understand the chemical structure. 9,10,11,12,13.
4-Function of all biomolecules present in the living organisms.14,15,16.

NO. Subject hours Lecturer Date
1 Holiday 3   11-10-2021
2 -Introduction to the macromolecules biochemistry -Amino acids: Structures of A.A ; Classification, properties, isomerism. 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Ammal Ismael 18-10-2021
3 Amino acids: Chemical reactions, Zwitter ions, titration curve calculating isoelectric point values 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Ammal Ismael 25-10-2021
4 -Peptides: Peptide bond, resonance forms, isomers, physical properties and chemical reactions – Proteins: Structure and conformations of proteins. 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Ammal Ismael 1-11-2021
5 Denaturation of proteins and protein sequencing 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Ammal Ismael 8-11-2021
6 Carbohydrates: Chemistry and classification 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Ammal Ismael 15-11-2021
7 Lipids: Introduction, classification of lipids 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Ammal Ismael 22-11-2021
8 Mid-term Theory Exam 29-11-2021
9 Mid-term Theory Exam 6-12-2021
10 Enzymes: Structures and mechanism 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Ammal Ismael 13-12-2021
11 -Kinetics: General principles
-Enzyme inhibition
3 Assist Prof. Dr. Ammal Ismael 20-12-2021
12 -Control of activity and uses of inactivators 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Ammal Ismael 27-12-2021
13 -Nucleic Acid
– Biological functions of DNA
3 Assist Prof. Dr. Ammal Ismael 3-1-2022
14 -Biochemistry of extracellular and intracellular communication – Artificial membranes model 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Ammal Ismael 10-1-2022
15 Biochemistry of the endocrine system 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Ammal Ismael 17-1-2022
16 Special topics: Nutrition, digestion, and absorption 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Ammal Ismael 24-1-2022

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course: Public Health
Level: 4th Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Theory Mid-Term Exam (30%) , Theory Final Exam (70%)
Reference book:Lucas AO, Gilles HM, (Eds), Short Textbook of Public Health Medicine for the Tropic,
     Latest Edition.

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022


1-To help students understand the principles of public health. 1,2,3,4.
2-The art of preventing disease.
3-promoting health and prolonging life through organized efforts made by the society.

NO. Subject hours Lecturer Date
1 -Concepts and principles of public health and preventive medicine.
-Public health and statistics.
2 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein, PhD. Zainab Ali 13-10-2021
2 -Epidemiology.
-Communicable diseases.
2 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein, PhD. Zainab Ali 20-10-2021
3 -Infections through skin and mucous membranes.
-Infections through the respiratory tract.
2 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein, PhD. Zainab Ali 27-10-2021
4 Arthropod-borne infections. 2 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein, PhD. Zainab Ali 3-11-2021
5 Non-communicable disease: Health in transition. 2 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein, PhD. Zainab Ali 10-11-2021
6 -Nutritional disorders. -Family health. 2 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein, PhD. Zainab Ali 17-11-2021
7 -Environmental health.
-Innate and acquired Immunity; Immunization.
2 Assist Prof. Dr. Shaimaa Hussein, PhD. Zainab Ali 24-11-2021
8 Mid-term Theory Exam 1-12-2021
9 Introduction: historic background of pharmacy practice 2 Assist Lecturer. Saba Hameed 8-12-2021
10 – Pharmacy practice and health care system I
– Pharmacy practice and health care system II
2 Assist Lecturer. Saba Hameed 15-12-2021
11 -Health promotion in community pharmacy
-Introduction to pharmaceutical care
2 Assist Lecturer. Saba Hameed 22-12-2021
12 -Pharmaceutical care planning I
-Pharmaceutical care planning II
2 Assist Lecturer. Saba Hameed 29-12-2021
13 -Community pharmacy management -Hospital pharmacy service 2 Assist Lecturer. Saba Hameed 5-1-2022
14 -Bio-safety in pharmacy practice I -Bio-safety in pharmacy practice II 2 Assist Lecturer. Saba Hameed 12-1-2022
15 -Formulary management and regulatory affairs I -Formulary management and regulatory affairs II 2 Assist Lecturer. Saba Hameed 19-1-2022
16 Rational use of drugs I and II 2 Assist Lecturer. Saba Hameed 26-1-2022

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course:English Language
Level: 4th Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Theory Mid-Term Exam (30%) , Theory Final Exam (70%)
Reference book:: students book, work book Headway.

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022

NO. Subject hours Lecturer Date
1 No place like home students book 2 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 16-10-2021
2 No place like home workbook 2 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 23-10-2021
3 Been there done that! students book 2 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 30-10-2021
4 Been there done that! Workbook 2 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 6-11-2021
5 What a story! students book 2 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 13-11-2021
6 Review 2 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 20-11-2021
7 Mid-term Electronic Exam 1 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 27-11-2021
8 Mid-term Theory Exam 4-12-2021
9 What a story! Workbook 2 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 11-12-2021
10 Nothing but the truth student book 2 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 18-12-2021
11 Nothing but the truth workbook 2 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 25-12-2021
12 Holiday     1-1-2021
13 An eye to the future student book 2 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 8-1-2022
14 An eye to the future workbook 2 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 15-1-2022
15 Final Electronic Exam 2 Professor M.Sc. Ola Abdul-ghafoor 22-1-2022

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course: Clinical Chemistry
Level: 5th Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Theory Mid-Term Exam (25%) , Theory Final Exam (50%)
Reference book:
1-Clinical Chemistry & Metabolic Medicine, Crook, Latest Edition.
2- Clinical Chemistry, Kaplan, Latest Edition.

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022


1-To exhibit knowledge of human body chemistry levels under healthy and abnormal conditions. 2,3.
2- At the end of the semester the students should be familiar with the basic and advanced information in clinical laboratory chemistry. 4,5,6,7,10.
3- How it relates to patient health and care. 11,12,13,14,15.

NO. Subject hours Lecturer Date
1 – Disorders of Carbohydrates metabolism, Hyperglycemia & Diabetes mellitus, Hypoglycemia
– Disorders of lipid metabolism
3 Assist Prof. Dr. Fryal Hashim Rada 12-10-2021
2 Hypothalamus & pituitary endocrinology, disorders of anterior pituitary hormones, disorders of adrenal gland, hypopituitrism. 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Fryal Hashim Rada 19-10-2021
3 Thyroid gland disorder 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Fryal Hashim Rada 26-10-2021
4 – Disorders of calcium metabolism
– Adrenal gland function
3 Assist Prof. Dr. Fryal Hashim Rada 2-11-2021
5 Adrenal gland disorders 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Fryal Hashim Rada 9-11-2021
6 Reproductive system, disorders of gonadal function in males & females, biochemical assessment during pregnancy 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Fryal Hashim Rada 16-11-2021
7 Review 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Fryal Hashim Rada 23-11-2021
9 Mid-term Theory Exam 30-12-2021
10 Mid-term Theory Exam 7-12-2021
11 Diagnostic enzymology 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Fryal Hashim Rada 14-12-2021
12 Liver Function Tests 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Fryal Hashim Rada 21-12-2021
13 Kidney Function Tests 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Fryal Hashim Rada 28-12-2021
14 Acid- Base Disorders 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Fryal Hashim Rada 4-1-2022
15 Drug interaction with laboratory Tests 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Fryal Hashim Rada 11-1-2022
16 Tumor markers 3 Assist Prof. Dr. Fryal Hashim Rada 18-1-2022

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course: Practical Human Biology
Level: 1st Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Lab. Exam (25%).
Reference book:Lab Manual for Practical Human Biology Adopted by the Department.

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022


1-To study the composition of human body, types of cell structures, types of tissues, bone, skeleton, joints and muscle as well as nutrition. 1,2,3.
2-Human biology also explains in details different body systems. 4,5,6,14,15,16.
3-At the end of the course, the student should be able to describe the composition of human body, body systems function, Immunity, Blood and Disease. 7,8,9.
4-Human genetics such as the Mendelian inheritance, division of chromosomes, and terms such as allele, locus, homo and heterozygous.11,12,13.

NO. Subject hours Lecturer Date
1 The light microscope 2 Lecture M.Sc. Zeina Saif Al-Dein Thursday
2 The cells: Examination of cells using light microscope 2 Lecture M.Sc. Zeina Saif Al-Dein Thursday
3 The tissues: Epithelial tissues (simple epithelial tissue) 2 Lecture M.Sc. Zeina Saif Al-Dein Thursday
4 The tissues: Epithelial tissue (stratified epithelial tissue). 2 Lecture M.Sc. Zeina Saif Al-Dein Thursday
5 Connective tissue 2 Lecture M.Sc. Zeina Saif Al-Dein Thursday
6 Bone and cartilage 2 Lecture M.Sc. Zeina Saif Al-Dein Thursday
7 Mid-Term Theory Exam  
8 Muscular tissue: Differentiation between different types of muscles 2 Lecture M.Sc. Zeina Saif Al-Dein Thursday
9 Nervous tissue 2 Lecture M.Sc. Zeina Saif Al-Dein Thursday
10 Digestive system (Digestion) Digestive system: Small and large intestine 2 Lecture M.Sc. Zeina Saif Al-Dein Thursday
11 Blood and blood cells 2 Lecture M.Sc. Zeina Saif Al-Dein Thursday
12 The Chromosomes: Shape and helical structure 2 Lecture M.Sc. Zeina Saif Al-Dein Thursday
13 Cell Division (Mitosis & Meiosis) 2 Lecture M.Sc. Zeina Saif Al-Dein Thursday
14 Skin 2 Lecture M.Sc. Zeina Saif Al-Dein Thursday
15 Final Lab. Exam 2 Lecture M.Sc. Zeina Saif Al-Dein Thursday

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course:Practical Computer Science
Level: 1st Year, 1st Semester

Grading System:-
Lab. Exam Mid-Term
Lab. (50%), Final

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022

NO. Subject hours Lecturer Date
1 Workspace Google 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim Saturday
2 Microsoft and word Doc Google 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim Saturday
3 Microsoft and word Doc Google 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim Saturday
4 Microsoft and word Doc Google 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim Saturday
5 Microsoft and word Doc Google 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim Saturday
6 Microsoft and word Doc Google 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim Saturday
7 Microsoft and word Doc Google 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim Saturday
8 Microsoft and word Doc Google 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim Saturday
9 Mid-term Electronic Exam 1 M.Sc. Saja Hashim Saturday
10 Mid-term Theory Exam Saturday
11 Microsoft PowerPoint and Slide Google 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim Saturday
12 Microsoft PowerPoint and Slide Google 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim Saturday
13 Microsoft PowerPoint and Slide Google 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim Saturday
14 Microsoft PowerPoint and Slide Google 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim Saturday
15 Microsoft PowerPoint and Slide Google 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim Saturday
16 Final term Electronic Exam 2

M.Sc. Saja Hashim


Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course: Practical Medical Microbiology I
Level: 2nd Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Lab. Exam (25%).
Reference book: Lab Manual for Practical Medical Microbiology Adopted by the Department

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022


1-To provide students with basic understanding of morphology, anatomy 1,2.
2-physiology and genetics of bacteria. 3,4,5
3-The methods of handling, visualizing. 6,7.
4-Characterizing and identifying of bacterial diseases. 9,10,11,12,13,14,15.

NO. Subject hours Lecturer Date
1 Holiday     11-10-2021
2 Orientation to the laboratory. Rules of conduct and general safety. Microscopic techniques. Bright-field light microscope. 2 Assist Lecturer. Rafal Nazar 18-10-2021
3 -Examination of stained microorganisms; Smear preparation And simple staining; Gram staining
-The hanging drop slide and bacterial motility; Acid-fast Staining procedure.
2 Assist Lecturer. Rafal Nazar 25-10-2021
4 Bacterial spores and endospores staining; Microbiological culture media and sterilization; Methods of inoculation & isolation of pure culture 2 Assist Lecturer. Rafal Nazar 1-11-2021
5 Action of dyes and antibiotics; Enzymes assays for some Specific microbial enzymes. 2 Assist Lecturer. Rafal Nazar 8-11-2021
6 Assays for specific metabolic activities; Acid and gas productionfrom: Carbohydrate fermentation; Triple sugar iron agar test; IMVIC tests. 2 Assist Lecturer. Rafal Nazar 15-11-2021
7 Systemic bacteriology: Staphylococci spp. 2 Assist Lecturer. Rafal Nazar 22-11-2021
8 Mid-term Theory Exam 29-11-2021
9 Mid-term Theory Exam 6-12-2021
10 Streptococci species. 2 Assist Lecturer. Rafal Nazar 13-12-2021
11 -Salmonella species -Shigella species. 2 Assist Lecturer. Rafal Nazar 20-12-2021
12 Pseudomonas species. 2 Assist Lecturer. Rafal Nazar 27-12-2021
13 Proteus species. 2 Assist Lecturer. Rafal Nazar 3-1-2022
14 -Escherichia coli
– Klebsiella species.
2 Assist Lecturer. Rafal Nazar 10-1-2022
15 Candida albicans. 2 Assist Lecturer. Rafal Nazar 17-1-2022
16 Final Lab. Exam 2 Assist Lecturer. Rafal Nazar 24-1-2022

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course: Practical Computer Science Level:
Level: 2nd Year, 1st Semester

Grading System:Mid-Term Lab. Exam (50%), Final Lab. Exam(50%).

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022

NO. Subject hours Lecturer Date
1 جطبٍقات انرسى انب انً اسحٍٍراد انبٍٍانات 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 12-10-2021
2 يقذية ففً الاحصاء باسحخذاو ان اٌٌكروسوفث اكسم جحهٍٍم انبٍٍانات 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 19-10-2021
3 يقذية ففً الاحصاء باسحخذاو ان اٌكروسوفث اكسم كٍ فٍٍة حساب بعض انقٍٍى الاحصائٍٍة 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 26-10-2021
4 الاخطاء انشائعة فً جطبٍق الاكسم 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 2-11-2021
5 يقذية ففً الاحصاء باسحخذاو انً اٌكروسوفث اكسم انذخول انى جحهٍم انبٍٍانات ففً الاكسم 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 9-11-2021
6 يقذية ففً الاحصاء باسحخذاو انً اٌٌكروسوفث اكسم الاحصاء انوصفً 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 16-11-2021
7 يقذية ففً الاحصاء باسحخذاو ان اٌكروسوفث اكسم انًذرج انحكراري 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 23-11-2021
8 Mid-term Electronic Lab. Exam 1 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 27-11-2021
9 Mid-term Theory Exam 30-11-2021
10 Mid-term Theory Exam 7-12-2021
11 مقدمة في الاحصاء باستخدام المايكروسوفت اكسل الارتباط 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 14-12-2021
12 مقدمة في الاحصاء باستخدام المايكروسوفت اكسل الانحدار 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 21-12-2021
13 مقدمة في الاحصاء باستخدام المايكروسوفت لعينة واحدة t-test اكسل اختبار 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 28-12-2021
14 مقدمة في الاحصاء باستخدام المايكروسوفت لزوج من البيانات t-test اكسل اختبار غيرالمعتمد 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 4-1-2022
15 مقدمة في الاحصاء باستخدام المايكروسوفت اكسل اختبار انوفا باتجاه واحد اختبار انوفا لعاملان بدون تكرار 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 11-1-2022
16 -رسى Chemical Structure -IR -UV -NMR 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 18-1-2022
17 Final Electronic Lab. Exam 2 M.Sc. Saja Hashim 25-1-2022

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course: Practical Biochemistry I
Level: 3rd Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Lab. Exam (25%).
Reference book: : Lab Manual for Practical Biochemistry I Adopted by the Department.

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022


1-To integrate key concepts describing the traditional core topics of Biochemistry.1,2,3,4.
2-Structure and metabolism. 5,6,7.
3-At the end of the semester, students should be able to understand the chemical structure. 9,10,11,12,13.
4-Function of all biomolecules present in the living organisms.14,15.

NO. Subject hours Lecturer Date
1 Effects of acids on carbohydrates: Molish test; Bials test; Anthron test; Seliwanoffs test; Mucic acid test. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 14-10-2021
2 Classification of carbohydrates according to reducing properties: Benedicts test; Fehlings test; Barfoed test. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 21-10-2021
3 Classification of carbohydrates according to reducing properties: Iodine test; Ozasone test. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 28-10-2021
4 Determination of unknown carbohydrates sample. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 4-11-2021
5 Color reactions of proteins: Biuret test; Ninhydrin test. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 11-11-2021
6 Color reactions of proteins: Millons test; Hopkins-Cole test; unoxidized sulfur test. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 18-11-2021
7 Solubility of proteins (effects of acid, neutral salts, heavy metals, and alkaloidal reagents) 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 25-11-2021
8 Mid-term Theory Exam 2-12-2021
9 Determination of unknown sample of proteins.   Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 9-12-2021
10 Experiments on solubility of lipids. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal , M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 14-12-2021
11 Acrolin test for lipids; Soap; Studying properties of soap. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 21-12-2021
12 Determination of saponification number. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 28-12-2021
13 Determination of saponification number. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 4-1-2022
14 Properties of enzymes: Effects of heat on enzymes. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 11-1-2022
15 -Properties of enzymes: Effect of concentration of enzyme (salivary amylase) on reaction velocity.
-Properties of enzymes: Effect of pH on enzymatic activity.
2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 18-1-2022
16 Final Lab. Exam 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Weam Fadil 25-1-2022

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course:Practical Pathophysiology
Level: 3rd Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Lab. Exam (25%).
Reference book: : Lab Manual for Practical Pathophysiology Adopted by the Department.

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022


1-Describe the basic concepts of pathophysiology at the cellular level related to injury. 1,2
2-The self-defense mechanism, mutation, and cellular proliferation. 3,4
3-Outline basic pathological factors that influence the disease process. 5,6.
4-Describe the impact and abnormal functions upon the organ (s) associated with the disease process of targeted body systems.7,9,10,11.
5-Describe clinical manifestations associated with the diseased organ(s). 12,13,14,15.

NO. Subject hours Lecturer Date
1 General introduction and slide preparation. 2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 14-10-2021
2 Cell injury and degenerations. 2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 21-10-2021
3 Growth disturbances. 2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 28-10-2021
4 Inflammation. 2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 4-11-2021
5 Thrombosis. 2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 11-11-2021
6 Neoplasia. 2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 18-11-2021
7 Disorders of respiratory system. 2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 25-11-2021
8 Mid-term Theory Exam 2-12-2021
9 Disorders of the cardiovascular system 2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 9-12-2021
10 Disorders of renal system. 2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 14-12-2021
11 -Liver disorders
-Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 21-12-2021
12 Disorders of the central nervous system. 2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 28-12-2021
13 Disorders of the reproductive system. 2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 4-1-2022
14 Disorders of skeletomuscular system. 2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 11-1-2022
15 Disorders of endocrine system. 2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 18-1-2022
16 Final Lab. Exam 2 Lecturer Dr. Omar Hussein 25-1-2022

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course:Practical Clinical Chemistry
Level: 5th Year, 1st Semester

Grading System: Lab. Exam (25%).
Reference book: : Lab Manual for Practical Clinical Chemistry Adopted by the Department.

Republic of Iraq
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Clinical Laboratory Science Dept. 2021-2022


1-To exhibit knowledge of human body chemistry levels under healthy and abnormal conditions. 2,3.
2- At the end of the semester the students should be familiar with the basic and advanced information in clinical laboratory chemistry. 4,5,6,7,10.
3- How it relates to patient health and care. 11,12,13,14,15.

NO. Subject hours Lecturer Date
1 Holiday     10-10-2021
2 -Specimen collection and preservation.
-Estimation of blood glucose (enzymatic method).
2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Duaa Yassen 17-10-2021
3 Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Duaa Yassen 24-10-2021
4 Determination of blood urea nitrogen. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Duaa Yassen 31-10-2021
5 Determination of Creatine and Creatinine. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Duaa Yassen 7-11-2021
6 Estimation of serum uric acid. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Duaa Yassen 14-11-2021
7 Estimation of serum Bilirubin. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Duaa Yassen 21-11-2021
8 Mid-term Theory Exam 28-12-2021
9 Mid-term Theory Exam 5-12-2021
10 Estimation of serum Phosphate. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Duaa Yassen 12-12-2021
11 Total lipid profile: Estimation of serum cholesterol. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Duaa Yassen 19-12-2021
12 -Total lipid profile: Estimation of LDL.
-Total lipid profile: Estimation of HDL.
2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Duaa Yassen 26-12-2021
13 Total lipid profile: Estimation of Triglycerides. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Duaa Yassen 2-1-2022
14 -Estimation of AST activity.
-Estimation of ALT activity.
2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Duaa Yassen 9-1-2022
15 Estimation of CK activity. 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Duaa Yassen 16-1-2022
16 Final Lab. Exam 2 Dr. Amal Ismeal ,M.Sc. Ghufran Mohammed, M.Sc. Duaa Yassen 23-1-2022

Staff Members

Prof. Dr. Rafel Shakib Abdel Wahab

Prof. Dr. Rafel Shakib Abdel Wahab, Head of the Laboratory Sciences Department ….. more

Prof. Dr.Aula Abdul Ghaffour Muhammad Salah

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Prof. Dr.Aula Abdul Ghaffour Muhammad Salah …. more

Assistant Prof. zeina saif Al-Dein Mhommed

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Assistant Prof. zeina saif Al-Dein Mhommed …. more