Branch of of Pharmaceutics


The vision of Pharmaceutics department is to be focusing on innovative work in research and education that related to pharmaceutics and drug delivery to achieve the superiority in this respect.


The mission of Pharmaceutics department involved two targets, one related to education and training mission and other related to research and innovation mission. The first target attained by offering undergraduate and postgraduate students with essential knowledge for understanding the physicochemical and biopharmaceutical aspects of dosage form design, evaluation and manufacturing. Whereas the second target accomplished by performing and directing new knowledge to external partners to amend drug delivery and patients care.


Republic of Iraq / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
College Of Pharmacy / Al-Nahrain University
Pharmacognosy Department
1st Semester, 3rd Stage, 2021-2022
Assistant Lecturer Ayah Fadhil Al-Qrimli

Course Delivery Plan
Coarse title: Pharmacognosy Theory II.
Reference books:
Robbers JE, Speedie MK, Tyler VE(Eds); pharmacognosy and pharmaco- biotechnology.
Objectives: this course should enable students to:

NO. OBJECTIVE No. of attribute covered
1 Study the chemistry of natural products, namely glycosides, flavonoids, volatile oils, fixed oils, and tannins. 1-10
2 Study the phytochemistry and pharmacology of secondary medicinal plant constituents. 1-9
3 Study the uses of these constituents and the plants containing these constituents. 1-10
4 Understand nature and role of hormones and vitamins 10
5 Study the chemistry and pharmacology of toxic non- medicinal plants 11

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course:: Pharmaceutical Calculation
Credit hours: Theory 2 hours Laboratory 1 hour
Reference book: Pharmaceutical Calculation by Stoklosa
Depart. Of pharmaceutics
Level: 1st Year, 2nd Semester

It involves the computation of pharmaceutical ingredients, dosage forms, pharmaceutical formulations of extemporaneous compounding, and biological parameters of drug substances. The course teaches calculations for dilution and concentration of different types of liquids and those involved in preparing isotonic solutions, electrolyte solutions and intravenous admixtures.

1 Dilution and concentration of pharmaceutical preparations. 10
2 Isotonic solutions. 6
3 Electrolyte solutions (milliequivalents, millimoles and milliosmoles). 6
4 Constituted solutions, I.V admixtures and flow rate calculations. 8

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course:Experimental of Pharmaceutical Calculations
Credit hours: Exp. Lab.1 credit 2 hours/week
Reference book: Lab Manual for Practical Pharmacology Adopted by the Department
Depart. Of pharmaceutics
Level: 1st Year, 2nd Semester

1 Dilution and concentration of pharmaceutical preparations. 10
2 Isotonic solutions. 6
3 Electrolyte solutions (milliequivalents, millimoles and milliosmoles). 6
4 Constituted solutions, I.V admixtures and flow rate calculations. 8

Al-Nahrain University/College of Pharmacy
Title of the course: Physical Pharmacy I
Credit hours: Theory 2 hours Laboratory 1 hour
Reference book:: Physical Pharmacy by Alfred Martin et al.
Depart. Of pharmaceutics
Level: 2nd Year, 1st Semester

To understand the application of quantitative and theoretical principles of the physical characters of matter to the practice of pharmacy. It helps the pharmacist predict the solubility, compatibility and biological activity of drug products. As a result of this knowledge, it is helpful in the development of new drugs and dosage forms as well as in the improvement of various modes of administration.

1 States of matter, binding forces between molecules, gases,liquids, solid and crystalline matters; phase equilibria and phase rule; thermal analysis. 10
2 Thermodynamics, first law, thermochemistry, second law,third law, free energy function and applications. 8
3 Solutions of non-electrolytes, properties, ideal and real colligative properties, molecular weight determination. 7
4 Solution of electrolytes, properties, Arrhenius theory of dissociation, theory of strong electrolytes, ionic strength, Debye-Huchle theory, coefficients for expressing colligative properties. 5
5 Ionic equilibria, modern theories of acids, bases and salts, acid-baseequilibria, calculation of pH, acidity constants, the effect of ionic strength and free energy. 8
6 Buffered and isotonic solutions: Buffer equation; buffer capacity; methods of adjusting tonicity and pH; buffer and biological system. 7

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Prof. Dr. Amira Abdel-Ilah Rady,

Prof. Dr. Amira Abdel-Ilah Rady, Head of the Department of Pharmacy …. more

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